Who we are
Guardian Hospital is a 250-bed ultra-modern hospital committed to excellence in the provision of quality healthcare.
Guardian Hospital is equipped with modern state-of-the-art medical equipment, skillful and experienced practice, efficient hospital management, outpatient clinics, nursing facilities, surgical services, inpatient care, diagnostic services and quality pharmaceutical services.
At Guardian Hospital we meet the standards and guidelines of the provision of quality healthcare.
A commitment of wholeness and health Restoration.
our history
We have a rich history in the few years we have been in existence. The future we want is now feasible.
On the 1st day of January 2016, we laid the first foundation stone of what is now the Guardian Hospital Building. 2 years later, on 19th March 2022 we opened our doors and welcomed our first patient.
Our Mission
To Provide Excellent Health care Needs
Our Vision
To be a Caring Hospital leading the progression of Healthcare in the region, to enable every member of the community we serve to enjoy a better, healthier life.
Collaboration with our partners
Passion for results